24.01.25 The Great Race
This week our ‘Super Six’ story was ‘The Great Race – The Story of the Chinese Zodiac’ by Emily Hiles. The Story of the Chinese Zodiac. As the new year approaches, each animal wants it to be named after them, but no one can agree. The Jade Emperor decides there should be a race to decide the winner, but who will win?
Our ‘Drawing Club’ focus was the original animation of The Whacky Races and the children enjoyed talking about all of the different characters and their different modes of transport.
This week our rainbow challenges have been:
Maths – (subitising) match the numeral to the dot patterns non the pad lock
Fine motor – place the buttons over the circles to complete the transport picture
Literacy – hold a sentence; ‘it is big and fast’’
Funky fingers – cut and stick and match the numerals to the numicon
Creative – can you make a zodiac snake
Phonics – read the word and colour the matching picture
ICT – find the missing letter to complete the word (Balloon Phonics)
In maths this week Reception have been exploring length and height. We have also been talking about different measures of time and have been talking about the days of the week and what we do on the different days. Every morning we complete the calendar as part of our daily routine and change the information to show the day, date, month, season and weather.
Nursery have been looking at the numeral 4 and counting out different objects to match the numbers 1,2,3 and 4. We have also used the interactive whiteboard resources linked to Ten Town, how we can make 4 in different ways and also investigated squares and rectangles.
This weeks nursery rhyme has been ‘5 Little Snowmen’ which can be found at the following link; 5 Little Snowmen Standing in a Row Lyric Video - The Kiboomers Preschool Songs & Nursery Rhymes (youtube.com)
In phonics this week Reception have continued to work in their separate groups to focus on the sounds and aspects of learning they need to consolidate before moving onto the next level. In Miss Protheroe’s group the children have been learning some more ‘Set 2’ sounds from the Read Write Inc scheme have been using these sounds within sentences when they have been doing their writing. The children in Mrs Parker’s group have been revisiting ‘Set 1’ sounds and using the magnetic letters to make simple CVC words to read. We have moved onto focusing on words which contain all 26 letters of the alphabet including the special friends sounds; sh, ch, th, ng, nk and qu. We have been playing a ‘go fish’ game with the word flashcards to see how many we can read and collect and this is something the children are becoming increasingly more confident at.
On Wednesday morning we took out learning outside and retold the story of The Great Race using masks to support our retelling skills. These masks have the numbers on of where each animal came in the race so we have been doing lots of ordering of numbers from 1-12. Mr Hetherington has asked St George class to lead our worship next Wednesday for the rest of school as this is when it is actually Chinese New Year.
Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is ‘BEEGU’ by Alexis Deacon and our Drawing Club focus is the story of ‘On the way back Home’ by Oliver Jeffer’s. We are excited about this story as the children really enjoyed listening to ‘How to catch a Star’ during Mr Hetherington’s worship this week.