07.03.25 The Great Pet Race
This week our ‘Super Six’ story was ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldsons Dairy’ by Lynley Dodd. Hairy Maclary is off for a walk, and he's joined by furry friends of all shapes and sizes, from Bottomley Potts (covered in spots) to Schnitzel von Krumm (with a very low tum). But when they suddenly find themselves face-to-face with Scarface Claw - the toughest Tom in town - it's time to run all the way back home!
Our ‘Drawing Club’ focus ‘The Great Pet Sale’ by Mick Inkpen. The little rat with the half his whiskers missing thinks he is the best bargin but just how many pets will the little boy be able to buy with his £1?
This week our rainbow challenges have been:
Maths – sort the 1-10 visual representations into the right boxes matching the correct numeral
Fine motor – dab the different pet pictures to make them colourful
Literacy – write a simple caption to match the picture
Funky fingers – peg the matching amount of pegs to the numbers on the different pet animals
Creative – make a split pin pet from the story for the role play area
Phonics – fill in the missing letters to complete the animal crossword
ICT – read as many words as you can in 90 seconds https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/helpAHedgehog/index.html
In maths this week Reception have started their new topic of First, Then and Now which is linked to addition and subtraction. This week we have been using ten’s frames during ‘Ten Town’ to consolidate the children’s knowledge of simple addition and how they can use the ten’s frames and double sided counters independently to complete calculations on their own. We have also began to think about numbers beyond 10 and talking about the ‘meaning’ of the 1 in a 2 digit number being that it represents how many tens and how many more when talking about teens numbers.
Nursery have been moving on the explore the number 6 this week and have revisited ‘Seal Six’ from the Ten Town stories to reinforce this new learning.
This weeks nursery rhyme has been ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’’ which can be found at the following link; Sing A Song Of SixPence with Lyrics | LIV Kids Nursery Rhymes and Songs | HD (youtube.com)
In Read Write Inc phonics this week Reception have remained in either Miss Protheroe or Mrs Parker’s group ready to move to their new groups next week. Everyone as worked so hard and made progress which is great. This really has reflected in their writing when thinking about how to spell words they want to write using their phonic knowledge and it has been great to see everyone willing to have a go. Some of the children are now aware of the need for finger spaces between words so this will be something we will be focusing on over the next few weeks as well as letter formation as this is crucial to achieving their Early Learning Goals when the profile is assessed in June as it states that children need to write recognisable letters, most of which are formed correctly.
We have had a great time playing in our new role play vet and pet shop and have enjoyed pretending to be lots of different animals as well as dressing up as a vet. We have taken it in turns to be pet owners, shop keepers, receptionists and having the opportunity to take lots of notes which has been great for independent mark making and writing.
On Wednesday morning we took our learning outside and retold the story of ‘The Great Pet Sale’ and used coins to pay for each individual animal based on its price tag. We also reinforced our counting on skills by rolling a dice and jumping that many on from any given number. This sounds easy but takes a bit of practice so we have worked really hard to crack that skill this week.
On Thursday it was World Book Day where we came to school dressed as traditional tales or as a nursery rhyme character. We all showed off our costumes during a special assembly in the morning and enjoyed sharing stories with the older children in school.
Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is ‘Six Dinner Sid’ by Inga Moore and our ‘Drawing Club’ story is the traditional tale of the ‘The Little Red Hen’.