Longhoughton CE Primary School Governors



Governor role

Number of Governors on the Governing Body

Definition of role

Foundation Governors


A person appointed to be a member of a school’s Governing Body, otherwise than by the LA, to ensure that the school preserves its particular religious character or that it is conducted in accordance with the terms of a trust deed.

Co-opted Governors


A person appointed as a Governor who the Governing Body considers to be committed to the good government and success of the school. This person may or may not work in the community served by the school.

Local Authority (LA) Governors


A person appointed as a Governor by the LA.

Parent Governors


A parent elected by other parents of children at a school to serve on the Governing Body.

Staff Governors


The Headteacher and/or people working at the school who are elected as Governors by people who are paid to work at the school.



Foundation Governors

Co-opted Governors

LA Governors

Parent Governors

Staff Governors


Lynn Collins

Rev Alison Hardy

Rev Nathanael Hayler


Charlotte Best

(Chair of Governors)


Heather Overhead

Nicola Threlfall

(Vice Chair)


Emily McDonaugh

Karen Sayer

Katrin Stewart

Mr. Matthew Hetherington (Headteacher)

Mrs Sharon Crosby (Teaching Assistant)


Committee One

Policies and Resources

Staffing, Finance, Behaviour & Safeguarding, Pupil Welfare

Committee Two


Curriculum (SEF/SIP/School Review) & Governing Body Development.

Matthew Hetherington

Lynn Collins (Chair)

Heather Overhead

Rev. Alison Hardy

Charlotte Best (Clerk)


Matthew Hetherington

Nicola Threlfall (Clerk)

Sharon Crosby

Karen Sayer

Emily McDonaugh (Chair)

Rev. Nathanael Hayler

Katrin Stewart


Child Protection/Safeguarding Governor – Nicola Threlfall

E-Safety Governor – Nicola Threlfall

Pupil Premium Governor – Charlotte Best

Single Central Register/Employment Records – Nicola Threlfall

Sports Premium Governor – Nicola Threlfall

Safer Recruitment trained – Tracey Critchlow, Nicola Threlfall

Health & Safety Governor - Emily McDonaugh


To find out more about the Governors of Longhoughton CofE Primary click on the links at the top of the page.