20.09.24 Elmer


This week we shared our first ‘Super Six’ story of the year which was ‘Dandylion’ by Lizzie Finlay which has really made the children think about how they are all different and that our unique qualities should be celebrated.

Our ‘Drawing Club’ focus story was the classic story of Elmer by David McKee. Elmer is different, he is patchwork. The grey elephants all love him, but he soon starts to wonder what it would be like to be just the same as them...

This week our rainbow challenges have been:

Maths – cut and stick the numbers to make a 0-5 number line

Fine motor – cut and stick different pieces of uniform to make the character be ready for school

Literacy – correctly form the letters m a s d t

Funky fingers – count out the correct number of pegs to complete the numbers 1-5

Creative – make a split pin lion (making skill)

Phonics – sort the objects into their initial sounds

ICT – count the number of spots on the ladybird and find the matching number  

We have also started our Maths sessions this week. Reception have been matching and sorting different objects including pairing socks, sorting different sized buttons and organising objects into different sets and giving a reason for their choices. Nursery have been focusing on different colours and enjoyed hunting for different objects around the room to match a given colour.

Every week we will be learning a different nursery rhyme and this week we have been enjoying singing 1,2,3,4,5  which can be found at the following link https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-1-2-3-4-5-once-i-caught-a-fish-alive/zdy6jhv

We have also started our ‘Ten Town’ number learning program where we have been focusing on learning to recognise and write the number 1 using a rhyme to help with the formation. The program is based around a fictional town where different characters live which link to a different number. This week we have met King One who is very important and looks after everyone in the town. All parents have now been given their own username and password to continue this learning at home on the child friendly program.

In phonics this week Reception have been learning the next 5 sounds from the Read Write Inc scheme i n p g o and have also been learning to ‘Fred Talk’ some words and making up these words using magnetic letters and starting to read simple CVC words. Nursery have been fun playing with bubbles this week and continuing to listen for different environmental sounds around them.

Everyone in Reception got their first reading book this week which is a picture book alongside a series of comprehension questions to go through at home to talk about what is happening in the pictures. We have enjoyed sharing these with our volunteer Mrs Chapman.

On Tuesday we took our learning outside and collected more natural resources. We used scissors to cut them into smaller pieces and decorated a picture of Elmer the Elephant placing the different pieces carefully and we sorted them into different colours so Elmer still had his patchwork characteristics.

Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is Giraffes Cant Dance by Giles Andreae, A funny, touching and triumphant picture book story about a giraffe who finds his own tune and confidence and our ‘Drawing Club’ book is The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas.