22.03.24 The Tiger Who Came To Tea


This week our ‘Super Six’ story was ‘ZOO’ by Anthony Browne. Dad, mum and two brothers spend a day at the zoo, looking at the animals in the cages - or is it the animals that are looking at them?

Our ‘Drawing Club’ focus was the classic story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ by Judith Kerr. The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don't expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger!

This week our rainbow challenges have been:

Maths – work out and write how many tens/units are shown on the worksheet

Fine motor – peg the scenes from the story in order

Literacy – write a caption for the picture from The Tiger Who Came To Tea
Funky fingers – cut and stick tiger scene
Creative – make a split pin tiger
Phonics – read the captions and match to the picture
ICT – read as many words as you can in 90 seconds https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/helpAHedgehog/index.html

In maths this week Reception have been continuing to look at different shapes and tangrams. We have been revisiting different 2D shapes and arranging them to make our own pictures. We had a challenge where we needed to try and fit different 2D shapes into a square shape – it was a bit tricky!

Nursery have been talking about mass this week and have been exploring weighing different objects using the weighing scales and finding out which items were heavier and lighter.

This weeks nursery rhyme has been ‘When Goldilocks went to the House of the Bears’ which can be found at the following link; Bing Videos

In Read Write Inc phonics this week Reception have continued to work in our 2 separate groups with Mrs Whaley and Miss Campbell. Mrs Whaley’s group have been focusing on special friends and being able to spot these quickly in words when sounding them out. In Miss Campbell’s group they have been recapping Set 2 sounds and have been reading a selection of real and alien words.

On Monday morning it was our NUFC competition week with Jamie and Sam. We worked together in teams to collect as many points for our colour group. These points will be added together by Mrs Whaley and will go toward our whole school castle point total which we work towards through various competitions throughout the year.   

In RE this week we have been talking about why some Christian’s make Easter gardens. We went outside and collected natural materials and had a go in small teams at making our own as we approach the Easer season in the Church calendar. The children have been talking about their visit last week from Rev Alison and are really looking forward to going to Church next week for our whole school celebration. 

On Friday we went to work with different teachers to talk about our work in different subjects. The children who stayed with Mrs Whaley talked about PE and the different things they do in their lessons. We talked about what we liked, why we liked it and discussed any areas we thought we could improve on. It was very clear that everyone is excited for sports day later on in the year so the children can work together in mixed ages like in previous years.   

Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is ‘The Ugly Five’ by Julia Donaldson our ‘Drawing Club’ traditional tale is ‘The Hare and The Tortoise.’